Activator Adjusting Instrument A handheld instrument used by chiropractors to tap slightly misaligned vertebrae back into place.
Acute Back Pain Back pain that typically lasts for a few days to several weeks. Back pain that persists for several months or longer is referred to as chronic back pain.
Adjustment The application chiropractic forces intended to correct nerve interference and mitigate the related pain.
Atlas The Atlas is the topmost vertebra of the neck. Misalignment of the atlas can place stress on your neuromusculoskeletal system.
Atlas orthogonal technique (A.O.T.) One of many methods for correcting cervical "subluxations".
Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC) One of the more common serious vertebral misalignment conditions. Chiropractors who practice specific "upper cervical techniques" focus on the ASC.
Axis Axis is another name for the second cervical vertebra in the neck. This is an important joint that contributes significantly to your neck's range of motion.

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